The Stores are Open!

We have occasionally heard that it can be difficult to find The Dark Eye products to purchase, and we want to make that easier! So today we are presenting two ways you can get The Dark Eye delivered directly to you!

Warring Kingdoms Game On Store

The first one we actually announced on social media last week – our Game On Tabletop pledge store for The Warring Kingdoms.

This is the pledge manager for our recently successful Warring Kingdoms Kickstarter, where we managed to unlock every single available stretch goal! The Game On pledge manager will be running through the end of Gen Con, and it is a great way to pick up this new regional supplement and all its associated products. And if you pledge through Game On, any older books you add on to your order will ship at no extra cost! This is a great way to fill out your Dark Eye collection with the latest English releases!

Ulisses Spiele International Web Store

We are also thrilled to announce that we are opening our own web store right here! Go to and you can order items right now!

If you just want one or two books or accessories, this is a great way to order them. We actually track inventory directly for each product (with the help of our shipping partner Studio 2), so you can be sure that the items you are ordering are in stock.  We are going to keep improving the look and feel of this web store – especially as we add more product lines – but it is up and running right now!