Now that we've spent some time with Brother Hilbert in the Forest of No Return, let's examine some of the things that make our second expansion, Ship of Lost Souls, special as well. The Henchman deck for this expansion includes a zombie pirate crew that is used in all three chapters of the title adventure as well as the short adventure "Rietholtz's Treasure," so you'll get to know them fairly well. This is great for me, because they are some of my favorite minor characters in the entire card game.

In our last card preview, we looked at swarms, one of the new mechanics introduced in the first Aventuria expansion, Forest of No Return. In this preview, we'll examine liturgical chants, the other new mechanic introduced in that expansion. Liturgical chants are a new to type of adventure card that are (so far) unique to Hilbert, Blessed One of Peraine.