For the last few months, you've read rules previews, seen sample Fate cards, and maybe even watched us play a game. We also hope that you've had a chance to try out CROM for yourself using our Beta Rules. We're very close to the point where we can announce the Kickstarter launch date. And when we do make that announcement, it will be time for us to start our countdown. So be ready! While you're waiting for the announcement, let's talk a little about what you can expect in the Kickstarter itself.

The Drama deck was arguably the most innovative game mechanic introduced in Torg and it was a no-brainer that Torg Eternity would have it too. However, production values are held to a much higher standard now, so we decided to split the Drama deck into two: one GM facing and still called the Drama Deck, the other player facing and called the Destiny Deck. Currently there are over 90 Destiny Deck cards and around 40 Drama Deck cards. The cards are standard sized and full color.